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NPEP-126: Add northbound traffic support in (B)ANP API

  • Issue: #126
  • Status: Provisional


This NPEP proposes adding support for cluster egress (northbound) traffic control in the AdminNetworkPolicy and BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy API objects.


  • Implement egress traffic control towards external destinations (outside the cluster)
  • Implement egress traffic control towards cluster nodes
  • Currently the behaviour for policies defined around traffic from cluster workloads (non-hostNetworked pods) towards nodes in the cluster is undefined. See
    • ANP currently supports only east-west traffic and this traffic flow cuts from overlay to underlay which makes this part of the egress (northbound) use case.
    • Let's provide a defined behaviour in ANP to explicitly achieve the use case.
    • NOTE: Traffic towards nodes here includes traffic towards host-networked pods on that node because a "node" resource encompasses all objects that share the host-networking resources
  • Implement egress traffic control towards k8s-apiservers
  • An apiserver endpoint in this context is special in the sense that it can be any entity including but not limited to a host-networked pod within the cluster OR external VMs OR infrastructure nodes running outside the cluster. This is why its a separate category goal.


  • Implementing southbound (ingress) traffic use cases is outside the scope of this NPEP
  • Implementing egress traffic control towards arbitrary hostNetworked pods is outside the scope of this NPEP
  • Currently the behaviour for policies defined around traffic from cluster workloads (non-hostNetworked pods) towards hostNetworked pods in the cluster is undefined. See
  • ANP currently supports only east-west traffic and this traffic flow cuts from overlay to underlay which makes this part of the egress (northbound) use case.
  • NOTE: Currently there are no user stories for CNI pod to arbitrarily chosen hostNetworked pods. Let's provide a defined behaviour in ANP to explicitly achieve the use case in the future if we have user stories for this outside of the k8s-apiserver usecase which is already covered in the goals. If that happens, this can be moved to goals.


User Stories for egress traffic control towards external destinations

  1. As a cluster administrator I want to restrict traffic from specific cluster workloads to all or specific destinations outside the cluster so that I can enforce security for northbound traffic. Example: Pods in namespaceA and namespaceB should not be able to talk to the internet but they should be able to access company's intranet.

  2. As a cluster administrator I want to to ensure that pods can reach my cluster-external DNS server even if namespace admins create NetworkPolicies that block cluster-external egress. Example: As an owner of namespaceA I define policies that deny all northbound egress traffic for that namespace. However the cluster-admin can decide all namespaces in the cluster must be able to talk to the EXTERNAL_DNS_SERVER_IP on port 53.

User Stories for egress traffic control towards cluster nodes

  1. As a cluster administrator I want to easily block access from cluster workloads to specific ports on cluster nodes without having to block access to those ports on external hosts, without having to manually list the IP address of every node, and without having to change the policy when new nodes are added to the cluster.

User Stories for egress traffic control towards k8s-apiservers

  1. As a cluster administrator I want to easily allow access to k8s-apiservers from cluster workloads when there are other deny rules in place for these workloads.

  2. As a cluster administrator I want to easily block access from selected cluster workloads to k8s-apiservers for securing the server.


(... details, can point to PR with changes)


(List other design alternatives and why we did not go in that direction)


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